Friday, April 30, 2010

AIGA Studio Tour: Duquesne Design & Press; Miller Group

I always enjoy getting a behind the scenes look into the design studios of Pittsburgh. It never ceases to amaze me how many creative firms call Pittsburgh home and how much the work, company cultures and working environments vary.

Several times a year, AIGA Pgh selects 3 design/design-related spots in a neighborhood for a walking tour. Last night, we toured Duquesne University's Design Dept. & Press and Miller Group.

Now that I am an in-house designer again with my full-time gig at Northwood, it was particularly great to meet the team at Duquesne and to see their work, workflow and working environment. The design team works closely with their in-house Press Dept. which we also met with and toured their facilities. As a whole, the group seems to work well and have a good time together while producing great, creative work and maintaining/policing the Duquesne brand.

Sadly, I was too beat by the end of the tour to attend the wrap-up at Souper Bowl to talk more shop with the studios and other tour participants. However, I'm excited to have the time/energy again to participate in the design community through AIGA Pgh and other professional association events and activities.

Upcoming AIGA events in May that I am attending/volunteering at include:
eDG (Eco Designers Guild) is the other local group that I hope to reconnect with this summer:

More details/posts to come on the happens of the local design community. Until then, Happy Friday!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Back in Business (After a Season of Evaluation/Redirection)

It's been a wild ride these last few months. Things didn't go according to plan -- as they tend not to do -- and a long period of inactivity/nothingness/hibernation was followed by massive changes as I refocused on my design career and things began clicking together. As difficult as the last 6 months have been, I value the time as a necessary season of reflection, evaluation and redirection for my career/life. I could not have learned what I did or gained the perspective that I did without going through what I did.

Having said all that, I'm thrilled to share that I have accepted the position of Marketing Coordinator for Northwood Realty Services in Wexford, PA. I began a few weeks ago and now that I'm settled in, it's proving to be a great place to apply all my design/marketing, project management and event experience.

Northwood is also very supportive of my professional development goals -- my AIGA membership is once again in active status -- and of my freelance design business, On The Vine. With the freedom from stress/anxiety that a steady full-time income provides, I plan to utilize On The Vine as a creative outlet and to specifically support the organizations/initiatives that I am passionate about with my design talents and experience on a per-project basis.

I'm having a few lunch meetings this week to line up projects for On The Vine and I look forward to posting details/progress as things solidify.

In short, I'm glad to be back... and back in business!